Monday, 26 September 2016

My Narrative Structure

The narrative structure of any production, is the way in which the story or events that happen in a story is told. There are many different ways in which this can be done, they are the following;

Non-linear narrative: A production can have a non-linear narrative meaning that the story is told but not in order of how the story occurred.

Linear narrative: This is the opposite of a non-linear narrative, when the production denotes the events and story in the order they happened.

Open structure: An open structure is a production narrative that has no final ending.

Closed structure: An closed structure that is concluded with a final ending.

Interactive structure: A narrative which is random with no specific direction.

Restricted narrative: A restricted narrative is when the production is filmed from one view, rather than 3rd person where the audience will see everything.

non-restricted narrative: This structure opposes a restricted narrative and instead exposes all views on the story encoding it to the audience- where the demographic may know more than the characters- giving them a sense of power.

My narrative structure
My music video is love pop and holds the narrative of two lovers capturing moments in their archive footage scenes as the artist directing sings to the camera as if a message through the media to her loved one. The narrative is restricted as the identity of the male lover/protagonist isn't exposed or connoted fully; allowing the audience to engage in the narrative and feel as if they can relate for if the demographic love someone or is in a relationship that is similar to the one portrayed and denoted on screen. The music video is both open and interactive narrative structure; whereas the music video doesn't end with a final ending; signifying how the love of the two in a relationship is never ending. The production is also a interactive narrative as the story line and the way in which the events is denoted and conveyed by the demographic is in an non-linear structure; with no specific direction other than to inform their target audience; rather than to show and connote a sense of moving narrative from one event to another- subverting Todovoro's theory of narrative. My music video, portrays both sides of a relationship rather than hegemonic representation of a conventional relationship in the media- this signifies that the two characters stick by each other through thick an thin and even a little argument will tear them apart. 

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