Equilibrium: This is the first stage and connotes a sense of normality.
Disruption of equilibrium (disequilibrium): An force or event that disturbs the normality in the protagonist's life, the protagonist works on solving this disequilibrium.
Equilibrium restored: Equilibrium is restored and so is the normality, or a new sense of normality.
This theory is conformed in Ariana's 'Into You' Music video, where the equilibrium and normality of her life, is in the save hands of her loved one. However the equilibrium is disrupted, when she is taken away from her lover and placed in the hands of another whom when she tries to move away back into her equilibrium he pulls her back, restricting her. Finally equilibrium is restored when Ariana is reunited with her loved one before the music video ends.
Another music video that conveys and signifies the theory is Justin Bieber's music video for 'what do you mean?' Where the equilibrium is denoted through the happiest of the couple signified through their comfortable-ness in each others company and the happiest connoted on their facial expressions. Disruption of the equilibrium is explored as the female, believes that she is being kidnapped and threatened along side her boyfriend (or lover). However when it is later revealed to her as a stunt by her boyfriend and is in fact a party, her equilibrium is restored.
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